Employers fear they're not meeting working parents' needs, survey shows

By Ryan Golden
Sept. 23, 2020 - HR Dive

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The survey results echo what has been observed by other researchers in recent months. Namely, caregiving responsibilities, including child care, are impacting workers’ ability to return to work or stay focused at work.

Last month, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation reported survey results in which employers cited child care as a barrier to employees' ability to fully return to work. But caregiving and its necessities troubled employees even before the pandemic. In January, business-to-business review platform Clutch found that a scarcity of child care benefits had caused financial hardship, job performance problems and turnover.

The pandemic's impact on a new school year has heightened concerns for employers. In an opinion piece for HR Dive, Larry English, president at Centric Consulting, called the situation "nothing short of an HR crisis in the making."・mployers, he added, can support working parents not only by introducing more flexible schedules but also by implementing a "life comes first"…ulture as well as an environment in which employees feel comfortable sharing their stories.

In an August survey by Monster, 75% of working-parent respondents《aid they viewed scheduling flexibility as a way for employers to support them. And as Willis Towers Watson's findings show, some employers like education company Chegg have introduced childcare reimbursement benefits.

Managerial training may also be a point for HR teams to emphasize. A July survey by the Disability Management Employer Coalition found more than half of employers said supervisors had not received training on workplace benefits and resources for caregivers.